Prestige 1
We start Prestige 1 on character Level 85. You will need to use Level 85 equipment obtained from a boss you can find in level 65-99 Exp Area in Beginner Map and head over to Prestige 1 map using the command $warp p1. You also receive some Prestige Boxes, some useful items can be found inside.
Start killing monsters found across the map and reach Level 99. Remember to always use Ancelloan's Blessing when leveling. They are easily obtainable and will make leveling faster. Once you hit 99, use $warp p1 to go back to the start.
With the current strength of our character we are easily able to level from 1-30 hero level without changing anything. I will advise to drop 10x Golden Leaf from Prestige 1 maps in order to craft the Title. You can find it at the NPC called "Prestige 1 Rewards". The title is extremely helpful to get, as it gives us additional dmg and Increased experience gained by 10%.
Double click the title in inventory and equip it by going to 'P' > Titles and ticking the box near the title.
After the Title is crafted we are ready to move on.
Killing monsters until now would probably got you a decent amount of gold, which you can use to further upgrade your SP. In my opinion the best SPs to use for each class during levelling are;
- Archer - Wild Keeper SP4
- Swordsman - Berserker SP4
- Mage - Ice Mage SP3
You can buy all of these SPs for 1 gold from Specialist Bags NPC in Port Alveus

Once you obtain your SP, we will need to gain some Job Level to upgrade our SP. Easiest way to do that on our level is going to $warp beginner and entering 65-99 Level map. Kill some monsters to gain Job level and when you hit 60-70 Job Level use $home to go back to NosVille. Dont forget to distribute the SP points again!!
Upgrading your SP
Why do we need to upgrade our SPs? Upgrading SPs will give us a massive boost in damage by giving us more SP Points to distribute in Attack/Defence/Element/HP.
We need several materials to upgrade SPs. All can be obtained in the map 'Farm Area'. Lower and Higher SP Protection Scrolls will also be needed to upgrade the SPs you can buy them from 'Alchemist' NPC and from other players using NosBazaar.
Getting Materials
Every material will drop from its own designated room. For example Full Moons drop only on the right side, Angel's Feathers on top, and Souls on the left. My recommended amount to drop of each material currently is:
- Angel's Feather - 5000
- Full Moon - 2500
- Each of soul - 30
For now, we will only focus on upgrading the SP to +9-11 as anything higher can take a lot of gold. You can easily obtain some extra gold by attending Instant Combat event. Use Lower SP Protection Scroll and drag the SP to the top slot and click 'Starting upgrade'.
Note, that with each upgrade the success rate will be lower and more materials will be needed to attempt an upgrade.
Passive Skills
After you're done upgrading your SP, go back to $warp beginner and visit High Passive Skills NPC to train all passive skills.
With successfully upgraded SP and trained passive skills we can finally move on.
Refilling Your Inventory
Whenever you run out of Ancelleon's Blessing or Fairy Boosters, you can always use command $warp beginner to come back and craft some more. You also could be running low on Divine Recovery Potions. In that case, you can use $home command and head over to Potion NPC to get some more. You can also grab a few Experience Potions, this will speed up experience gain even more, but be careful not to die as you will lose the effect.
You can also get familiar with command $buy as you can buy certain items anywhere you like. If you would like to know the full list write $buy list. If you would like to buy for example potions, do $buy potion [amount]
1-30 Hero Map
You should hit 99+30 on this map pretty easily.